Taking It Online
Dear User,
We regret to inform you that the Tinder team has decided to terminate your membership with us. Starting midnight April 12, 2020, your Tinder profile will be taken offline and all your account details, chat history and existing connections will be wiped off our servers. Make no mistake, you will not be able to sign in to our dating app again.
While we are resolute in our decision, we wish to oblige you with an explanation. We believe that you will find our reasons acceptable and our decision, necessary:
- Our records show that you have never once swiped left, which, in turn, compromised our hitherto highly reliable internal rating system that couldn’t generate an authentic score for your profile without being unfair to our other users who are in the same tier of scores as you.
- Despite the high number of swipes, our algorithm has repeatedly failed to find the right match for you because you kept changing the raw data on your profile multiple times, sometimes, twice in a day. You cannot make up your mind; neither can our AI.
- Since you have been on our app for an unprecedented period of time, you have appeared inordinately in our recycled unmatched profiles, causing some serious inconvenience to and complaints from our users.
- Given the number of times you have replaced the photographs in your profile, our software is unable to streamline a steady line of desirable profiles for you. Our software is programmed to use physical appearance as the foremost parameter and you, were not facilitating that process.
- While your super cheap Super Likes à la carte, which cost 1$ each initially seemed a good revenue generator for us, the last quarter’s cost-benefit analysis showed you do not accrue enough per capita profit and are turning out to be an economic liability.
We appreciate your online loyalty but we now wish you a healthy and happy offline dating life.
Yours sincerely,
The Tinder Team, South Asian Region.
Mohammad Saleem khan
Pooja Sudhir
Ha ha ha